Friday 30 September 2011

twat of the week award goes to.......

Since the children were tiny the husband has left for work before 7am, so I do the morning breakfast and get ready routine during the week on my own which I rather enjoy.  For the last month or so he hasn't had to leave the house until 8am.  At first I found it quite annoying - a massive disruption to the little chain of events I have set in stone in order to get them all out of the door for kindy and the housework done before I work.  I have tried to relax my inner uptight witch and not snap at the husband when he does things like dishing out cereals AND toast AND yoghurt AND drinks all in one go thereby increasing both the length of breakfast time and the clear up needed.  We have been eating breakfast as a family every morning and dropping the children off at kindy together.  This little extra hour in the morning is such a great way to start the day.  Starting the day as a unit instead of lots of little factions has had a tremendous effect on our connection as a family and as a couple.

There is a downside though.  The husband was still here this morning when the new phone I ordered online arrived.  I had lost one a couple of days ago and bought a new one, but that one's crap and I don't like the way the buttons work so I bought another, hence the the friendly message he left me on the blackboard.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant - I should install a blackboard toot sweet so my hubs can leave me similar love notes. I am the most useless person in the universe with technology, last night I even pleaded with him to activate my new credit card. It must be something in the winds, Kevin is hanging around the house more in the morning offering to take random kids to school....


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